Friday 16 November 2012

How To Determine Your Body Shape

Dear Beautiful Readers,

Fashion is one of the things that continually changes from period to period, making it sometimes impossible to catch up. Likewise, the old gets forgotten and the new are what we lust for. This cycle just never stops. In every female, we have a habit of consuming commercialism whether it is because of our personal desires or due to the manipulative advertising. For whatever reason it may be, girls do want to dress to impress!

Appreciate and understand your body

First of all, the most important thing that you need to know is to appreciate and understand your body. If your brain is filled up with negative thoughts always wanting something more, you will never be satisfied with what you wear. So do me a favor, fill your head with positive comments.

Next, you must be able to interpret whats good and whats not. To achieve this you must understand your body.

To know what your body shape is follow these few steps. This may be weird, but step a few feet away from a full-length mirror and observe your overall body shape. This is best when you are only wearing your underwear because some clothing items may give you the illusion of a more curvaceous body. After observing your body make sure to read the guides lines to determine what suits your body most. If you need further help, take reference to the diagram above.

The Pear: The torso and upper body must be smaller than your hips. This will create much more curve introducing a deep waist definition. For this body shape you will need to find clothing that will balance out your body. Avoid wearing anything ‘flowy’ on your bottom because this will add width to your bottom half. Note; you should be extremely happy, this is considered as the best body shape!

Inverted Triangle: Very similar to the pear, your torso and upper body must be wider than your hips however this time round, your waist will have little definition. This is pretty much the second best body type. For this body shape you would want to balance the bottom half to create an allusion of possessing a hour glass body. By wearing dresses/tops that flare at the waist will help curven your waist to give more definition.

Rectangle: Your torso and upper body are the same width as your hips. Your main objective for this body is to create curves. You can do this by wearing semi-fitted clothing, by adding padding and by wear clothing that drape around but tighten at the waist line.

Hourglass: Your torso and hips will look approximately the same width. You should not be ashamed of this body and instead of hiding it, expose it! You will look exceptionally nice with tighter clothing that will emphasize your envious curves.

Apple: Your torso and upper body must be wider than your hips. You will find that there is little or no waist definition however there will be fat located there. Girls, trust me on this one, wearing shapeless clothing is a big no no. Rather than doing so, why not follow this tip. Choose a pretty/v-neck top with an elastic band just under the bust area. This will create emphasis on your chest area and give the allusion of a fuller bust. Also choose tops that flare out at the bottom as it will distract attention away from your bottom half.

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